Animating a Resistance to Trump: Some Thoughts on Star Wars Rebels
The Star Wars series is one of the biggest cash cows in human history. The absurdity of its storylines is only matched by the lunacy of its fan subculture. In any objective analysis, it is a...
View ArticleMass Shootings Fuel Fear of Crowds
Crowd stress is nothing new. Back in the ’90s, I was an on-air therapist for a reality-cam house full of 20-somethings in Boston. Without exception, the number one fear they all had was entering a...
View ArticleAdvice from the Trenches: The Mating Game
Dear C, I’m so fed up with and pissed off at men right now that I don’t think I’ll ever try again. No matter how nice a guy is in the beginning, after about a month, the honeymoon is over. It’s like...
View ArticleAlt-Health: Are Supplements Necessary?
Vitamins and herbal supplements have become a standard product on American shelves. According to DC-based trade association and lobbying group Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), more than 71% of...
View ArticleComic Con Retains Crown
Comic Con continued to show its chops as the biggest event in the littlest state this year. Overall, the event successfully trafficked what was probably around 100,000 people [final numbers were still...
View ArticleDoc Digresses: An Interview with Mark Van Noppen, Co-Founder of the Armory...
If “white flight” is a novel phrase to you, I suggest you read someone who has more than a paragraph to explain its myriad causes and effects. Suffice it to say that most of Providence’s professional...
View ArticleAlt-Health: Get the Lead Out
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, a pediatrician in Flint, Michigan, first raised the alarm about lead in the water. Flint had switched its water supply from Lake Huron to the polluted local river in April 2014,...
View ArticleWant To Go Solar? Now’s Your Chance!
Those who have considered investing time and resources into the installation of solar panels may think of the environmental and economic benefits of such a decision; certainly they can prove to be a...
View ArticleDowntown Design Review Committee Review: Summer Memories
It’s been a tame summer for the Downtown Design Review Committee. With so little to report on, your correspondent has resorted to spending weekends out of state on a work-vacation R&R/R&D...
View ArticleMulti-Generation Households on the Rise
On December 19, 1971, “The Homecoming: A Christmas Story,” aired. It was the TV pilot of a series that would span nine seasons, a saga that would tell the story of what was to become the most iconic...
View ArticleSurvivor Guilt in the Midst of a War
It has been exactly one year since I wrote my piece “Walking While Black.” Yesterday I watched the Unite the Alt-Right rally on a live Facebook feed and saw a car plow through a crowd of...
View ArticleThe Social Impact of Working from Home
If you work from home in Rhode Island, prepare yourself each winter for a wave of resentment from friends and family. Watching your car disappear under an igloo of snow until you’re ready to dig out,...
View ArticleRoommate Wanted
Living with roommates is a quintessential college experience for most people: get assigned to a stranger, move in with them, and learn to mesh your lifestyle, personality and habits with another’s....
View ArticleTo Your Health!
Dear C, I caught my boyfriend masturbating when I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. He says he read online that it was good for his health and “keeps him young” if he does it...
View ArticleNot a Residence, but a State of Mind
Living in little Rhody isn’t just about residency, it’s a mind state — a long, convoluted path of weird and cool chill spots and a ton of brand loyalty. If you’re new, you have a lot to learn, and if...
View ArticleBattery B First Rhode Island Light Artillery Lives History
Phil DeMaria was standing guard over an army camp one night, talking with the other guard on duty, watching over a trench full of men, some asleep, some awake. The moon was shining down; the camp was...
View ArticleLost (and Found) Providence: Four Houses That Tell the Story of Urban...
David Brussat, the former architecture critic for The Providence Journal, published a book called Lost Providence two days before I filed this draft. There’s nothing original about Brussat’s title –...
View ArticleAdvice from the Trenches: Macrobiotic Woes
Dear C, Right now, I feel like a swallowed a balloon. My pants are so tight I can barely zip them shut. Nothing seems to help. I’ve seen a doctor, but nothing shows up on the tests, and all he did is...
View ArticleAlt-Health: Healthy at Every Size?
Healthy at Every Size is a movement with a message that is changing the way we see ourselves: Women don’t have to have to starve themselves to squeeze into the ‘fit body’ image anymore. If you are...
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