Advice from the Trenches: Holiday Conundrum
Dear C and Dr. B; It’s the holidays and at our house, it’s a bit of a bipolar affair. My dad is Jewish and my mom Catholic, which makes us a Chrismukkah or Festivus kind of family. My dad says both...
View ArticleAltHealth: Who Heals the Physician?
What does your doctor do when he or she is sick? Surprisingly, when it comes to their own health, doctors face many of the same struggles their patients do. You would think that because they are acting...
View ArticleAdvice from the Trenches: Holiday from Hell
My sister recently came for a brief visit over Christmas. She is mentally ill, some times more in control than others. This year, she was so difficult I had a hard time being in the same room with her....
View ArticleWord of Mouth: The cross-cultural magic of storytelling comes alive at Funda...
Oral storytelling is one of the oldest traditions known to man; the intimacy of storytelling was how groups of people retold their history, entertained each other and reinforced their cultural values....
View ArticleRedefining Sexual Health: Having fun is good for you!
Having a body is hard work; you have to feed it, keep it hydrated, and make sure it gets rest. But it’s not all drudgery. Our well-being also includes doing things that bring us joy and pleasure, and...
View ArticleEating Indigenous: The Narragansett Food Sovereignty Initiative focuses on...
The majority of indigenous cultures across the Americas have long been highly skilled arable farmers, and it was among these societies that vegetal breeding and domestication was first discovered, as...
View ArticleFood Contamination: Our expert gives you the straight poop
Food and water borne illnesses have been killing humans since the beginning of humanity. Sometimes it feels as if humans are under assault by their food supply. Most microbes do us no harm, and are...
View ArticleThe Last Unspoken Taboo: Unravelling the relationship between privilege and...
In light of the recent spate of suicides by successful white men, we step beyond the shock to investigate what it means to be white and how our invented construct of race has left society proscribing...
View ArticleHuman Guinea Pig: Are clinical trials the answer to your prayers?
I was browsing Facebook when an ad caught my eye: “Crohn’s Study – Diagnosed Volunteers Needed.” Crohn’s Disease is incurable, and it can make a patient’s life a living hell. I have it. I was...
View ArticleDon’t Gluten Me, Bro!: Celiac is a thing, not a fad, and restaurants need to...
For fad diets, gluten-free means cutting out bread, pasta and beer; it’s a preference, not a necessity. Celiac disease, on the other hand, is an autoimmune disorder. When someone with celiac disease...
View ArticleAdvice from the Trenches: Peep Show
Dear C and Dr. B; My 12-year-old son is in 8th grade. Yesterday he received a online photo of a naked girl from one of his classmates. We were alerted to it because of his sheepish ad embarrassed...
View ArticleAre Gene-Edited Designer Babies on the Horizon?
Hacking the DNA of babies? Only in the world of science fiction or on the big screen have we seen such horrifying scenarios. But what about a future world of designer babies created from hacked or...
View ArticleSwiper, No Swiping!: Local entrepreneur to engage local singles in...
Anyone who has tried to jam their whole being into a thoughtfully crafted profile with six photos that show a well-rounded human being knows how it feels to put faith in the internet to make our search...
View ArticleConfessions of a Divorced Immigrant: Everything was smooth sailing before...
Given the sensitive nature of this article, the writer has assumed a pen name. It’s difficult being an immigrant in Trump’s America. But even more difficult is getting divorced as a foreign national in...
View ArticleOumâ: A tale of romance and adventure on the seven seas
It is said that true love has no borders. In the case of Hadley Eames and Simon Wilson, that truth is lived far beyond the prescribed boundaries of dry land and restrictions of political geography....
View ArticleAdvice from the Trenches:
Dear C & Dr. B, When my daughter turned 15 and started high school there was an immediate and total change in her and in the dynamic of her relationship with us, her parents. She went from being...
View ArticleGet Your Kink On
The New England Leather Alliance Fetish Fair Fleamarket once again takes over the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warwick, February 15 – 17, and we expect you to be there. Don’t disobey us. This safe and...
View ArticleLove Styles: Why romance goes wrong
It’s not surprising that academic researchers have tried to define and even quantify love, but it is somewhat surprising that they only have been doing so since tentative explorations in the 1970s and...
View ArticleLove You!: Don’t let low funds keep you from taking care of yourself
We know the message from the flight attendants: Place the oxygen mask on yourself first. It seems like an obvious warning and yet, even in the face of a spiraling airplane, many of us need to be...
View ArticleTeens Love Love, but Not Valentine’s Day
Oh, Valentine’s Day — it’s the worst day of the year or the best, it all depends on your relationship status. Or at least that’s how it used to be. But now younger people and Valentine’s Day don’t...
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