Pokemon: Catch ’em in RI
Unless you’ve been space-traveling for the past month, you’ve heard about Pokemon Go. It’s a free mobile game that taps into the nostalgia of anyone over the age of 18, and is coaxing even the most...
View Article10 Super RI Things You Need to Know to Earn Some Street Cred
10. A couple of “gaggahs all the way” sounds awful, but they may save your life late one night. As you drive around Providence you may see signs touting “NY System Weiners.” This does not involve...
View ArticleAdvice from the Trenches: Can I Trust My Instincts?
Dear C; I’ve made some bad choices when it comes to men. I know that it probably has something to do with the fact that my dad was an alcoholic, but that doesn’t really help. The thing is, these guys...
View ArticleFirst Day Blues
“Well, I’ve been afraid of changing, ‘cause I built my life around you.” -Stevie Nicks There are many “first days” that come in September. Students are heading back to school, recent grads are...
View ArticleOpinion: What’s the Matter with Providence?
I write this a few minutes after receiving a $25 ticket for overtime parking at a meter in Providence. I walked out of Olga’s Cup and Saucer, where I had paid $5.74 for a tea and croissant plus $2 tip...
View ArticleAdvice from the Trenches: Off Your Ass
Dear C; I’m back in school. I know this is a great opportunity and a privilege, but it’s also stressful as hell. Last semester, I felt like I lost myself while I kept up my studies and grades. I let my...
View ArticleCatch the Snitch, Avoid the Quaffle, Stay on Your Broom!
Keeper. Chaser. The golden snitch. These terms might not sound very athletic, but they are! They’re from the destined-to-be-classic sport of Quidditch, which, for you Muggles out there, (non-magical...
View ArticleWays and Means for College Textbooks
Textbooks are expensive. There exists a textbook industrial complex attached to higher education and as students we’re subject to its unregulated evil. Here are three long rules when gearing up for...
View ArticlePub Amble: Through the Murky Waters of the Ocean State
When I go out, I like the comfort of areas I know, like Thayer, Wickenden, Downtown or Olneyville. But on my latest excursion, I made my way south to a place shrouded in mystery and mystique. The only...
View ArticleA&E 175: Intro to Dorm Dècor
Notebooks and plastic folders lie in disarray at CVS. Large clothing retailers publish sales ads as fluorescent as their in-store lighting. The weather finally begins to cool down. Professors post...
View ArticleBeer Does a Body Good
The next time your partner, roommate or mother starts bitching about the bottles piling up in your recycle bin, here’s a whole new belt load of ammunition to defend your love of beer.You have the...
View ArticleAdvice from the Trenches: Urgent Care
Dear C, I had a persistent rattling cough that wouldn’t go away and was so exhausted I could barely move. My primary care doctor was on vacation, so I went to an urgent care. The doctor there ordered a...
View ArticleVo Dilun Degrees of Separation
People who are intimately familiar with the Biggest Little like to talk about the six degrees of separation factor here (but, of course in Vo Dilun’s case, that would be two degrees of separation). It...
View ArticleAlt-Health: Continuing Addiction
Every 19 minutes, someone dies in this country from an opioid overdose. Many of these are from prescription pain medicine, but overdose deaths have also soared among users of psychiatric sedatives such...
View ArticleAdvice from the Trenches: Drop-Out Drudgery
Dear C, I am trying to decide if I should stay in college after this semester. I just don’t feel like I need a degree in order to do what I want to do, which is pottery. I love being creative. I am...
View ArticleTalkin’ Bout My Generation
A Gallup Poll released earlier this week shows that Millennials prefer Trump to Clinton on one issue: regulating Wall Street. Trump holds a 7-point lead on this single issue over Hillary Clinton. This...
View ArticleShoot Your Own Zombie
Zombies have taken West Greenwich, but they only come out at night and on the weekend. After years of watching zombie thrillers and playing every zombie game I could get my hands on, I was prepared for...
View ArticleAlt-Health: Election Infection?
It’s getting harder and harder to tell the difference between the real presidential debates and “Saturday Night Live’s” satirical version of them. The election has crossed a line. We are not watching a...
View ArticleAdvice from the Trenches: Neighborhood Stalker
Dear C; I have a stalker. Don’t laugh, I really think I do. It’s a guy on my street. I’ve lived in this neighborhood for almost five years now, and I’ve been going for walks since I moved in. Lots of...
View ArticleKA-POW! Rhode Island’s Comic Relief: GET SOME!
My comic collecting began on a crap Monday. I decided the Deftones’ White Pony, some overly sweet Moscato and a few comics would cheer me up. Getting home and decompressing, I was reminded how much I...
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